Past Community Presentations
Click on titles for more information, or click here for upcoming community presentations.
"Think Yourself Thin!" - City of Fort Collins Recreator Program. March 2008 (click here for flyer).
"What you say next can change you life ..." - City of Fort Collins Recreator Program. April 2008 (click here for flyer).
"What you say next can change you life ..." - Keynote Presentation - Colorado Women's Conference, Budweiser Event Center, November 2007 (click here for agenda).
"Communication is Like Dancing ... to be masterful and avoid treading on toes, you need to know how and when to lead, and how and when to follow" - City of Fort Collins Recreator Program, June 2007 (click for flyer). Based on "Listen to Me, Listen to You" by Anne Kotzman and Mandy Kotzman Penguin (Australia) 2007 (click here for book information).
"Retirement planning, it's about more than just money" - City of Fort Collins Recreator Program. April 2007 (click for flyer).
"What you say next can change your life ...Introducing 'Listen to Me, Listen to You' by Anne Kotzman and Mandy Kotzman Penguin (Australia) 2007"(click here for a flyer or book information) Sponsored by the Northern Colorado Coaches Alliance (click for NCCA info). April 2007
"Designing life - Making resolutions you can keep" - City of Fort Collins Recreator Program. Jan 2007 (click for flyer).
"Enhancing Personal Effectiveness" - City of Fort Collins Adult Recreation. July/Aug 2006. Based on "Listen to Me, Listen to You" by Anne Kotzman and Mandy Kotzman Penguin (Australia) 2007 (click for flyer).
"Retirement planning, it's about more than just money" - May 2006 - Poudre Valley Health Services Aspen Club. (click for flyer).
"Staying on Track - Maintaining Weight and Fitness Goals" - April 2006 - Fort Collins Club (click for flyer).
"Staying on Track" - Feb 2006 - Fort Collins Club (click for flyer).
"Retirement planning, it's about more than just money" - Jan 2006 - Fort Collins Club (click a flyer).
"Retirement planning, it's about more than just money" - Dec 2005 - Fort Collins Club (click for outline).
"What do you want? What could you do? What will you do?" - May 2005 - Poudre Valley Health System, Mountain Crest, Fort Collins (click for an outline).
"Thrive in ´05" - Multiple presentations Feb 2005 - Fort Collins Club (click for flyer).
"Crafting your life with know-how" - Sep 2004 - Custom workshop (click for outline).